Infographic baby rays at Ningaloo Reef here!
Ciencia ciudadana en la conservación de rayas águila en revista nacional ECOFRONTERAS
Newspaper column- Trendy topics on marine conservation and science @ The Playa Times
The Spotted Ealge Ray Research Project of Blue Core A.C.- Video about the project
The Spotted Ealge Ray Research Project of Blue Core A.C –Video: Qué sabes de la raya águila?
Conservation of sharks in marine park Xcalak Video
Blogging- Indonesia 1st shark sanctuary
@TheFloRay in Twitter
Paper_GCB_Vulnerability of Eastern Tropical Pacific chondrichthyan fish to climate change
Paper_JST_Impacts of SCUBA divers on the coral reefs
Paper_Nature Climate Change_ Evolution of the Galapagos in the Anthropocene
Paper_JOSF_Mantas at Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Paper_Ocean&CoastalMngt_Longline fisheries and megafauna in the Galapagos Islands
Paper_JOSF_New record and range extension of the Deepsea Skate in the Galapagos Islands!
Paper_Scientific Reports_Deepsea skates using hydrothermal vents as nurseries
Paper_EBF_Spotted eagle rays in the Mex Caribbean using photo-ID